Ironcast: Review

Huge walking robots, ralling with each other missiles, and a casual mini-game in the Match 3 genre-they are not a couple? Ironcast, collecting 10 thousand pounds through Kickstarter proves the opposite. As well as the fact that in an alternative universe in the fields of Victorian Britain, the stiff gentlemen could well fight the French dumbfounds by managing combat «furs».

Gentlemen fight – robots fly!

It is unlikely that at Ironcast There are many fans in France: the game tells the story of the courageous resistance of the British to the French invasion. Say, in 1886, the “frogs”, with the support of “furs”, fleet and bombers crossed the la-mansh and transfer a long-standing war between the two powers directly to the streets of London. Moreover, they destroy the base of the elite consortium, uniting the best and richest people in Britain: the commanders of combat robots (they are called “Ironcasts”, hence the name of the game) and the plans for the improvement of the “furs” were trained there. However, the surviving hands did not fold and now with our help organize armed resistance on London streets.

Directly the gameplay is sustained in the spirit Puzzle Quest. Choosing a mission on the map, and the battle begins. Your Ironcast is located on the left, on the right is the enemy. And in the middle – a screen with multi -colored pebbles and runes that need to be folded in a row. Some pebbles, accumulating, allow fire to be fired, others are needed to use the special abilities of your Ironcast, and so on. As a rule, the goal is to hide the opponent’s health counter to zero. Although there are other options-to hold out a certain number of moves, to collect special stones-resources (according to the plot, this is some important load) or defeat the enemy so as not to damage his weapon.

However, in combat mechanics Ironcast There are a lot of differences from Puzzle Quest. Start with the fact that here we do not remove and rearrange the stones, but connect the line existing (which is more, which, of course, is better) is not fundamentally, but still changes the gameplay. In addition, in battle you need to take into account more different factors. For example, having accumulated special energy, you can activate the shield or start movement – the higher the speed of the robot, the more difficult it is to get on it. Another energy is spent on the repair of different subsystems, such as an engine, without which the above movements and shields will be impossible.

In turn, you are also free to choose by what enemy compartments to damage – some combat missions are being built on this, and it is important to consider in battles with particularly formidable rivals. Another type of energy is spent on each of your active action. When it ends, overheating will occur, and the car will get damage.

Robot for «pumping»

As expected in such cases, all this is supported by a role system. We copy money and experience, get new levels, and then we learn new abilities (active or passive, acting on damage, enemy or subsystems) and buy weapons and engines. A little later, “upgrades”, modifiers for all this iron farm will also become available.

It is also important to make the right selection of a combat vehicle – they differ in characteristics and starting abilities. And put the right commander in it – these gentlemen also have passive skills that affect the course of each battle.

In addition to the level for each “fur”, there is also a global rating of the player himself: as it increases, new models and their operators become available to you, as well as different bonuses, like an increase in health in all robots in the garage.

Eh, once, again, many, many more times!

And everything would be fine, but in Ironcast There is no main thing that distinguished and distinguishes Puzzle Quest From all her followers – an interesting story campaign and diversity. There is no detonation of your own citadel, there are no strategic elements, “craft”, various quests, research on the territory, and so on. Everything comes down to choosing quite monotonous missions on a global map. Well, at least, some of them are forced to make a choice – to rush, for example, in the pursuit of a spy or it is better to take a stolen prototype to the base rather;Fight with armored train or with the enemy «Aironcast».

Moreover, the difficulty is built in such a way that you manage to go through a couple of missions, die and begin the campaign again. The experience gained last time is taken into account in the global rating, that is, we are stimulated by starting and starting again in order to gradually open new models and commanders. Agree, not everyone will pass this for a long time.

Ironcast – Of course, the game is bright, with its specificity and atmosphere. However, its potential is clearly not disclosed. Based on such mechanics and such a setting, it was possible to make a much more diverse and fascinating mixture of the puzzle and RPG.

Pros: Interesting steampunk-world;complex tactical battles;Rich role system.
Cons: sluggish story campaign;little variety in the gameplay.

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