This is vegas: Preview

Las Vegas is not just a city full of entertainment of all stripes. An incredible amount of pleasures, concentrated on a relatively small area, is a kind of symbol that demonstrates well what Dolce Vita will turn into if it is too carried away. Parties have until the morning and the states lost in the casino have the wrong side, not the most pleasant. Studio Surreal Software invites us to get acquainted with life in Vegas, to compete for a place under the sun there and tear ourselves so that there are enough impressions for more than one year.

Our character comes to Las Vegas with five-thousand dollars in his pocket and huge ambitions. I must say, ordinary for freshly arrived luggage. And then – climbing the social ladder according to the scheme "From mud – to the bunch": Instead of a cheap motel, a luxurious penthouse awaits us, instead of jeans from second -hand – expensive suits, instead of stupid students – chic supermodels, instead of used cars – exclusive cars. Alas, all these joys of life will not go just like that, we will have to work out acquisitions, risking our own life. Holder, shootings, casino fraud, even striptease is a far from a complete list of what we have to do. But let’s go about everything in order.

City of entertainment without a casino? Unimaginable! "Las Vegas simulator" You can’t do without such institutions in which the actor will spend the lion’s share of the game time. Automatic machines, poker, dumbfounds can help to get hold of cash, or they can eagerly gobble up all the contents of the wallet. You have no opportunity to take risks? Well, welcome to the ranks of the shuler, take special sunglasses and sit down at the card table. Nobody guarantees a winnings to you, but with the help of the aforementioned device the character will be approximately aware that rivals are in the hands. The main thing is not to fall into the field of view of the suspicious of the duty of the pet bosses. Exclude a certain level of permissible impudence – get ready for a fight at the exit: gloomy securities will not stand on ceremony with a fraudster.

Another hobby of every self -respecting life -burner is night clubs. Thematic parties, discos, striptease are a great chance to look at people and show yourself. In this is vegas, dancing are decorated in the form of a mini-game. For a certain period of time, the hero is obliged to issue the maximum number of unusual movements and their combinations. Moreover, it will be necessary to combine them not like that, but with taste. Exceptions type "I do not dance in life, but at the computer and even more so" Not accepted: the fulfillment of some plot quest includes public undressing on the stage of one cereal institution, it is better to practice in advance, otherwise the fragmented girls are in tomatoes.

If money appeared in the pocket, then they came from the wallet of another person – such is the law of the cash cycle in nature. Sometimes crispy papers change their master by violently, and even in Vegas it is a common thing. So you can’t do without fights. The creators of this is Vegas, apparently, did not like firearms, so most clashes will be, as they say, on fists. Although from time to time when the situation in which our character got into will become very critical, the gun will have to be pulled out. True, nothing unique awaits us: shootings in a new project from Surreal Software – significant, but not the main element of gameplay.

In a city like Las Vegas, to move by public transport – Moveton. And in your pocket, if you remember, there is only fifty dollars, they are not like a car – you can’t buy a good bike. There are many ways of acquiring a lustful car – for example, it can be obtained as a reward for a well completed task, or just borrow it for a while, or win the casino enough money and honestly buy, as the law -abiding citizen is supposed to. The world This is vegas promises to make absolutely free, without seams and restrictions.

It’s hard to say with confidence what awaits us: an inimitable simulator of a beautiful life or a banal arcade. The developers have a habit of focusing on the advantages of the project and silent about its shortcomings. While this is Vegas boasts an original gaming concept and a good picture, but who knows that developers will make all this for the time left before the release.

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